Which North-east town is closest to the Forvie National Nature reserve?

Pamela from Fochabers scored 4 on these questions...

Published 5th Oct 2017

Pamela from Fochabers took on the Win it Minute today and scored 4 out of 10.

Today's questions and answers are below, try them out.

We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10 am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £250 cash.

Register to play here.


1) Who do Scotland face tonight in a World Cup Qualifying match?

2) In which horror series would you find the character, Ghostface?

3) What is the official call sign for the plane that carries the American president?

4) In which city have the Conservative Party held their conference this week?

5) Which North East town is closest to Forvie National Nature reserve?

6) Cannelloni and tagliatelle are types of what?

7) The Apprentice started on tv last night, which star of the show uses the catchphrase, you’re fired?

8) The River Ness and the Caledonian Canal are the primary outflows of which loch?

9) In what year did the Berlin Wall open?

10) What is the name of the hormone, which regulates glucose in the blood?


1) Slovakia 2) Scream 3) Air Force One 4) Manchester 5) Newburgh 6) Pasta 7) Lord Sugar 8) Loch Ness 9) 1989 10) Insulin