Can you beat Tuesday's Win It Minute?

Reckon you could have bagged the money on Jeff and Lauren's Win It Minute this morning?

Published 11th Apr 2017
Last updated 18th Jan 2018

1) 01224 is the area code for which Scottish city?

2) In which month did the D-Day landings take place in 1944?

3) How many local government council areas are there in Scotland

4) What is the name of King Arthur’s sword?

5) Pierre Omidyar is the founder of which online auction site?

6) Which English musician appeared in Bridget Jones’s Baby as himself?

7) Which sport do the Aberdeen Lynx play?

8) What is the name of the main river that runs through Dublin?

9) ‘Here’s Johnny’ is a line from which 1980’s horror film?

10) The Callanish standing stones can be found on which Hebridean island?


1) Aberdeen 2) June 3) 32 4) Excalibu 5) eBay 6) Ed Sheeran 7) Ice Hockey 8) River Liffey 9) The Shining 10) Lewis

You can play the Win it Minute at 8.10am on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning - we play every weekday.

Register to play here.