What does ‘BRB’ stand for in text language?

Helen took on the Win it Minute today and scored 6 out of 10

Published 17th Oct 2017
Last updated 17th Oct 2017

Helen took on the Win it Minute today and scored a decent 6 out of 10.

We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10 am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £250 cash.

Today's questions and answers are below, try them out.

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1) What is the Queen’s official residence in Scotland?

2) What does ‘BRB’ stand for in text language?

3) Which team did Cristiano Ronaldo play with immediately before joining Real Madrid?

4) A Trilby and Panama are styles of what?

5) Which country awards the Nobel Peace Prize?

6) What is the name of the daughter in the Addams Family?

7) What is the longest bone in the human body?

8) Which platform do you go to at King’s Cross Station in order to get the Hogwarts Express?

9) Portree and Uig are towns found on which Scottish island?

10) Which American tennis player did Steffi Graf marry in 2001?


1) Holyrood Palace 2) Be Right Back 3) Manchester United 4) Hats 5) Norway 6) Wednesday 7) Femur 8) Platform 9 ¾ 9) Skye 10) Andre Agassi