Aberdeen is normally referred to as the WHAT city?

Did you manage all 10 questions in 60 seconds today?

Published 3rd May 2017
Last updated 18th Jan 2018

How did you get on this morning?


1) Dave Grohl is the lead singer of which band?

2) Who won Monday’s World Snooker Championships at The Crucible in Sheffield?

3) Who founded the film company, Lucasfilm in 1971?

4) What type of everyday object is a Biro?

5) In which city would you find the Brandenburg Gate?

6) What is 66 divide by 3?

7) Aberdeen is normally referred to as The WHAT city?

8) Zloty is a currency used in which European country?

9) What kind of animal is Tom, in cartoon; Tom and Jerry?

10) The island of Anglesey lies off which country?


1) Foo Fighters

2) Mark Selby

3) George Lucas

4) Pen

5) Berlin

6) 22

7) Granite

8) Poland

9) Cat

10) Wales

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