Aberdeen Airport is located at which suburb of Aberdeen?

Natasha from Bucksburn scored 7 out of 10 today

Published 1st Nov 2017

Natasha from Bucksburn scored 7 out of 10 today.

Today's questions and answers are below, try them out.

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1) Lake Windermere is the largest natural lake of which country?

2) Which Scottish company makes the caramel wafer biscuit?

3) How many days are there in November?

4) Quire and ream is a measurement of what type of thin material?

5) What type of warship serves as a seagoing airbase?

6) What is DJ Norman Cook better known as?

7) Aberdeen Airport is located at which suburb of Aberdeen?

8) What kind of animal is video game character, Sonic?

9) In the Chinese calendar, 2017 is the year of the what?

10) What is the square root of 121?


1) England 2) Tunnock’s 3) 30 4) Paper 5) Aircraft Carrier 6) Fatboy Slim 7) Dyce 8) Hedgehog 9) Rooster 10) 11