7 lies people in the North-east have told...

No matter who you are, I bet you've lied about THIS.

Author: Lauren MitchellPublished 23rd May 2019

We heard from Jeff and Lauren this morning that every one of us tell little white lies (not bad lies, just the ones that gets you out of something or make someone feel better.)

Apparently around 5 white lies a week!

There are so many little things around the North-east that mean we can/have told a little white one. Here is a little list!

1. On my way, just stuck at the Haudagain

You are totally not on your way. You're still lying on your bed...

2. Gonna go for a run tonight around Duthie Park

Be honest, that is just not gonna happen.

3. I am not going to get a kebab after Club T tonight

Ooops... accidentally fell into Belmont kebab shop

4. I am not spending any more than a fiver on the 1p machines at Codonas

Just.... one.... more.... pound... I might win a keyring!

5. I’m not renewing my Dons season ticket after that performance

When you are mad at the Dons for 5 minutes..

6. (In any pub in the North-east) I'll just have one

Ok. Just one more, it has been a tough week...

And last.... but not LEAST!

7. It’s not called a rowie, it’s called a buttery!

Oh, the rage.

Any more lies? You can give Jeff and Lauren a shout onFacebook.

Jeff and Lauren are back on your radio from 6am until 10am every weekday morning. You can listen to them here.