Watch: The "Safety Truck"

This truck has cameras on the front and a video display on the back so you can see when it's safe to overtake

Published 17th Jun 2015

Check out this interesting idea from Samsung in Argentina. They’ve called it the “Safety Truck” and it comes with a system to make overtakes safer.

It is a sobering fact that in Argentina almost one person dies in a traffic accident every hour. But that number could soon be dramatically reduced thanks to Samsung’s tech savvy creation - the ‘Safety Truck’.

Cameras at the front of the lorry relay live pictures of the road ahead to screens on the rear of the vehicle, allowing drivers behind the truck to see if the road ahead is clear and safe to overtake.

Road safety remains a real issue here in Scotland, with the latest figures showing the number of fatal accidents rose by 16% from 2013 to 2014. We’ve all been there; traveling along one of the many single carriageway routes in the North east behind a slow moving lorry. It’s frustrating. Frustrating for both car and truck driver, and it’s this frustration which can result in many accidents every year.

The North-east is home to a much higher percentage of single carriageway routes than elsewhere in the country, coupled with a high volume of HGV traffic related to the oil and gas and farming industries, this is an issue that’s not going to go away anytime soon.

What do you think of the ‘Safety Truck’? Is this the solution to unsafe overtakes on roads across the North-east?

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