Police searching for Aberdeen robber

Police are searching for a man after an Aberdeen shop was attacked on Friday.

Published 16th Nov 2015

Police are searching for a man that robbed an Aberdeen shop on Friday.

The robber attacked the International Store on George Street at around 5:30pm on Friday night.

He threatened a member of staff before demanding and taking off with a sum of money.

The man involved is described as being between 25-40 years old, 5 ft 4, of medium build, and with short blonde/brown hair. He was also wearing a light grey tracksuit at the time.

Although shaken, the member of staff was not injured.

Detective Sergeant Gary Winter said: "This happened at a busy time of the evening when people would have been going home from work or using shops in the area.

"We are appealing to anyone who saw anything unusual or suspicious or who has any information in relation to this incident to contact Police Scotland 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."