Peacock Caught Trying To Squeeze Through Cat Flap At House In Inverurie

Published 20th May 2015

An animal charity is trying to find the owners of a confused peacock who tried to squeeze through a cat flap.

The bird was discovered outside a house near Ordhead, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, on Monday.

He was pecking the windows of the house and then tried to enter through the cat flap, the Scottish SPCA said.

Carers from the charity took him from the house and named him Felix after his feline entry effort.

He has some feathers missing from his head, leading carers to think he has been involved in a fight with another bird.

He is being cared for at the Scottish SPCA's rescue and rehoming centre in Drumoak while staff bid to establish whether he got lost or was abandoned.

Animal rescue officer Helen Bissett said: "I was able to catch Felix without any trouble. He has some feathers missing from his head and neck so I think he has been in a tussle with another peacock recently.

"Felix was pecking at the windows of the house and then tried to put his head through the cat flap.

"At this stage we're not sure how he came to be there. It's possible he has strayed from home or he may have been abandoned. We're sure he does have an owner though as people do keep peacocks as pets.

"If no-one comes forward for this cheeky boy we'll find him a suitable new home.''