Man Caught Driving 111 MPH On A96

A motorcyclist has been charged by police after he was stopped for driving at 111mph on the A96 between Inverurie and Aberdeen today.

As part of ongoing speed checks under Operation CEDaR (Challenge Educate Detect and Reduce) a number of motorists were stopped by the Police Scotland Trunk Road Patrol Group.

The 40-year-old motorcyclist has been charged and will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

A further four males, aged 19, 33, 35 and 54 were also stopped for speeding offences and will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

A number of other motorists were also dealt with in relation to careless driving and mobile phone offences.

Roads policing Sergeant Steve Manson said: "Speeding can have devastating consequences and it goes without saying that being involved in a collision at high speed is highly likely to result in serious injury or a fatalit"We are committed to keeping people safe and we would encourage all motorists to think about their actions whilst on the road and drive in a responsible manner.

"Anyone who has any concerns can report them to Police Scotland on 101."