Locals complain about AWPR disruption

A leading councillor wants action from the Scottish Government over concerns about disruption caused by the construction of the Aberdeen bypass

Published 4th Feb 2016

An Aberdeen councillor says people in the city and shire have raised a number of concerns about disruption caused by the construction of the new Aberdeen bypass.

The Conservative leader at Aberdeen City Council Ross Thomson says the complaints include damage to road surfaces and verges, construction traffic not obeying road signage, noise seven days a week, a lack of engagement on road closures and even discolouration of streams and rivers.

He claims the concerns aren't being addressed due to the complex way the project's been set up, leading to uncertainty over who's responsible.

Councillor Thomson invited the Transport Minister Derek Mackay to the next North Kincardine Rural Community Council to hear more about the issues.

Transport Scotland say they are aware of the concerns, and they and their partners at the City and Shire Councils will work with the contractor to make sure any impacts are minimised.

(picture: Infrastructure Secretary Keith Brown at start of work on AWRP)