Football Fan Admits Online Sectarian Abuse

Published 31st Mar 2015

A football fan has admitted posting an offensive comment about Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths on Twitter when he appeared in court.

Mark Simpson got drunk while out celebrating the birth of his new baby when he took to twitter to abuse the player following the Dons 4-0 defeat at Celtic Park.

The recruitment specialist was charged after the post was reported to the head of security and operations at Celtic Football Club.

Griffiths, who posts online under the Twitter handle @Leighgriff09, had tweeted: "Massive win today.

"We keep going on Wednesday and make that gap even bigger. Fans were top notch as per!"

Simpson then replied, where he used sectarian language, before adding: "Hope you never play for Scotland again. You're an embarrassment."

The football club then lodged a complaint with police who interviewed Simpson.

He was charged and admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by posting an offensive message of a Sectarian nature when he appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday.

Depute fiscal Helen Johnston told the court that he had apologised to the officers for making an "ill advised comment" on Twitter during his interview.

He informed police that he made a donation to a charity supporting Celtic super fan Jay Beattie, an 11-year-old with Downs Syndrome who had been invited on to the pitch to score a goal at half-time.

Ms Johnston said: "During the course of the police interview, the accused stated that he was drunk at the time and could not remember sending the tweet but admitted it must have been him.

"He was extremely remorseful."

Defence lawyer Ian Woodward-Nutt said his client was a 29-year-old man who had never been in trouble before.

He said Simpson, who has been suspended from his job, had been put celebrating the birth of his second child with family and friends when the offence was committed.

They had watched the football match on TV and the lawyer said his client had reacted to a tweet posted by Griffiths which he claimed was quickly edited.

He told the court that the post seemed to be teasing Aberdeen fans with a reference that linked them to sheep and sparked reaction from Dons supporters.

Sheriff William Taylor told Simpson, of Cults, near Aberdeen, that being drunk was no excuse according to the law in Scotland and ordered him to carry out 40 hours of unpaid work in the community.

Following the hearing, Mr Woodward-Nutt said: "Mark Simpson deeply regrets making an offensive comment via Twitter regarding the Celtic footballer Leigh Griffiths.

"He has already offered his apologies via Celtic Football Club and now offers a sincere and public apology to all those who were offended by his comment.

"This regrettable incident amounts to a momentary lapse of judgement that will now forever tarnish the record of a man who has never before been in any kind of trouble."