Dolphinwatch Sees Record Numbers

Published 12th Jun 2015

Record numbers of people have visited Aberdeen's third annual RSPB Dolphinwatch so far this year.

The number of visitors in the first 6 weeks of the project has already exceeded last year's total from the whole 18 weeks.

More than 1,700 people have been out to Torry Battery to see the dolphins, which have been visable all of the days so far.

Helen Hiley is one of RSPB Scotland’s Dolphinwatch people engagement officers. She said: “Aberdeen is such an amazing place for dolphins and it’s so lovely that so many people are coming to see them. Whether it’s for the first time or the fiftieth time, you can’t help but feel amazed. We’re hoping following this year’s BBC Springwatch that even more people will be excited to get outdoors and discover the amazing nature on their doorsteps”.

Staff are at the Torry Battery car park and provide information from Thursday to Sunday, 11 am-6 pm (weather permitting). They can provide telescopes and binoculars to help visitors spot the dolphins.