Aberdonians Donate 16,000 Meals To Food Banks In Just Three Days

Published 15th Jul 2015

In just three days Aberdonians donated almost 16,000 meals to Aberdeen's food banks.

It was part of a three-day summer collection in Tesco stores throughout the city.

A total of 15,866 meals were donated across nine stores. This is the equivalent of enough food to feed every student at University of Aberdeen more than once.

The food will be redistributed to people in need via charity partners FareShare and The Trussell Trust, with Tesco adding an extra 30% to all customer donations.

David McAuley, Trussell Trust Chief Executive, said: “We are truly grateful for the amazing effort by Tesco store staff, customers, volunteers and foodbanks in this year’s summer Neighbourhood Food Collection. The donations will make a huge difference to foodbanks’ ability to not only provide a minimum of three days’ emergency food to people in need but also additional support to tackle the root causes of poverty. It is timely given the additional pressure on families of providing lunch time meals and child care during the summer school holiday months.