Aberdeenshire Council Leader Admits SNP Takeover Is Likely

Published 28th May 2015

The Leader of Aberdeenshire Council has admitted that an SNP takeover is likely.

Jim Gifford said: “On the basis of the arithmetic today, it would seem that the SNP and the other opposition groups may be able to take control of the administration of the Council at the Special Meeting that has been requisitioned for the 8th June.

“It is important to stress that this is not the result of anything SNP councillors have done themselves but is simply a consequence of four former members of the Aberdeenshire Alliance transferring their allegiance to the SNP.

“This appears to mean the SNP will be able to put together an administration with a wafer thin majority.

"We remain very proud of what we have achieved since 2012. Our joint manifesto is being delivered efficiently and effectively. The reputation of this council across Scotland and beyond is high. This has been an open and inclusive administration which has put Aberdeenshire first."

Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Karen Clark added;

"Time will tell how well this new grouping will be able to work together.

“ Scottish Labour and its supporters may well be surprised to find that the SNP is poised to secure the administration of one of Scotland’s leading councils with the support of its only two Scottish Labour members.

“The Aberdeenshire Alliance has worked well and cohesively for the past three years. We have delivered a huge amount of what we set out to deliver. The 33 councillors who form the Aberdeenshire Alliance will form a constructive but robust opposition to any new administration.

“But while we will work constructively, we shall not be giving the SNP an easy ride.”

Coordinator of the Independent Group Councillor Norman Smith said,

"In 2012 there were predictions the Alliance would not last for six months but we have done better than that and more. It is only through these defections that our time as the Administration is ending.

"The Independent Group of councillors has made a very significant contribution to the work of the council, without party politics getting in the way.

“There are very difficult times ahead for this council, not least the real challenges over budgets. We will continue to put the people of Aberdeenshire ahead of party politics."