Mum lets dad dress their daughter and this is what happens

Daddy daycare fail.

Published 1st Jul 2016

When Brooke Hawley-Basso picked up her daughter from nursery she had a surprise.

She found her seven-month-old daughter Olivia wearing an interesting outfit, chosen by her husband Jeremy.

Brooke explained to BuzzFeed News that she normally gets her daughter's clothes out ready, but that day she had a job interview so her husband dressed her.

The mother of two posted a photo of the interesting outfit and her text exchange with her husband on Ellen DeGeneres' Facebook page which has gained a lot of attention.

In the message Brooke asks her husband, 'Did you send Olivia to daycare without a shirt on?'

To which he responds, 'Uh. I sent her with that thing on.'

Referring to the dark blue overalls (dungarees) his daughter was wearing in the photo his wife had sent.

When Brooke says she should be wearing a shirt underneath he responds, 'I gotta plead ignorance here'.

The post on Ellen's wall has now attracted over 30,000 shares and 59,000 reactions.

It has also sparked over 9,000 comments, many with other #daddyfail experiences, including one Facebook user who recounts the time her husband dropped their one-year-old off wearing a robe from a toy Yoda! 'I had no clue where it came from and she had it on with nothing but leggings. It was open in the front, no buttons or ties. I asked,"what is this?"'

Another user posted a photo of them when they were a child saying, 'I say the same thing every time I see this picture of me..."Why didn't I have a shirt on?!"'

Another 'proud' mum who showed off the outfits her son would end up wearing when he was with his dad, by posting these photos.

Brooke told BuzzFeed News, “We are just shocked at the volume of response we’ve received. It’s amazing.”

Do you let your husband or partner dress your children? It wasn't long ago that dads around the world were experimenting with balancing Cheerios on their unsuspecting babies.