Avocado thefts grow as popularity and prices increase

Everyone loves an avo!

Published 16th Jun 2016

Everyone loves an avo!

Ok, not everyone, but the strangely bumpy fruit has definitely become a lot more popular over recent years and as the prices rise thefts are also on the rise.

In New Zealand where avocados aren't imported one avocado can cost ÂŁ2-ÂŁ3, however in recent weeks hundreds are being stolen straight from the trees and sold on ot unsuspecting consumers at local markets.

Avo-lovers are being warned that eating these unripened fruits will be a 'very bad eating experience' as the fruit just isn't ready to eat or put into recipes.

Not only that, but the fruit could have been sprayed recently and contain toxins in the skin, but don't worry,

"This stolen fruit will only have made it to the local markets, it would never reach our export markets," says CEO of New Zealand Avocado, Jen Scoular who described the thefts as small-scale and opportunistic.

Users on Twitter have been quick to react to this news commenting, 'grand theft avocado' a play on the popular computer game Grand Theft Auto.

With another user saying 'Avocado theft is a thing, apparently:' and another saying, 'OMG! Who on earth would plan to steal avocado'?

What is your favourite way to have an avocado?