Two-year campaign pays off for new Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton

New Liberal Democrat MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton began his career at the age of 10, working as a fruit picker.

Published 6th May 2016

New Liberal Democrat MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton began his career at the age of 10, working as a fruit picker.

Throughout his time at school and university, he had part-time jobs, which he says gave him a profound understanding of how important employment is to young people starting out in life''.

After studying politics at Aberdeen University, where he was also elected as president of the students' association, he built a successful career in the voluntary sector, working for children's charities.

The 38-year-old father-of-three was selected as the Lib Dem candidate for the target seat of Edinburgh Western before the independence referendum in 2014, and mounted a two-year campaign to win back the constituency from the SNP.

Margaret Smith had held the seat for 12 years for the Lib Dems, representing the area from 1999 to 2011 when the SNP landslide saw Colin Keir take the constituency.

Mr Cole-Hamilton lives in the Blackhall area of the city with his wife Gillian and their children, and outside of politics he loves surfing and being a dad''.

He spoke to our Policital Correspondent, Alan Smith on our Election Live programme: