Women farmers urged to stand in NFU Scotland election

Female farmers are being encouraged to stand in the next National Farmers' Union Scotland (NFUS) election.

Published 4th Dec 2016

Female farmers are being encouraged to stand in the next National Farmers' Union Scotland (NFUS) election.

Nominations need to be submitted by Monday December 12, but so far, no female candidates have been put forward.

Highland MSP Kate Forbes has been leading the call to action and says that more needs to be done to improve female representation in the union to provide better understanding of the issues facing women in the industry.

Ms Forbes, said: “NFU Scotland play a hugely important role working for farmers' interests, and women working in farming should see a role for themselves as representatives of the industry.

“The SNP are committed to achieving gender balance on all public boards by 2020 and are encouraging the private sector to do the same.

“I would encourage any female farmers who want to represent the modern industry as a whole to put their name forward for the president or vice-president elections that currently have no female candidates.

“We have seen a rise in the number of women in farming over the years and NFU Scotland's board should reflect this fact in order to properly represent and defend the interests of the whole farming community.”

The elections take place on February 7 2017.

NFU Scotland said it had stepped up its work over the last 18 months to encourage more women to get more involved in the union.

A spokesman added: “We have many women who are branch chairs, and vice chairs, and hold prominent positions at a grassroots level and those who have an input into setting the Union's priorities.

“As well as attending various events surrounding women in agriculture in recent months, NFU Scotland has also played a role in the Scottish Women in Agriculture working group to liaise with other stakeholders to identify avenues to encourage more women to get involved in Union activity, and the wider industry.

“We'd encourage anyone considering putting themselves forward in the upcoming presidential elections to have a chat to chief executive Scott Walker, and submit an application by December 12.

“We welcome applications from members of all backgrounds, genders and experience.”