I'm not wealthy says Jeremy Corbyn as he launches culture plans

Jeremy Corbyn has said he does not consider himself wealthy, as he launched his culture strategy in Edinburgh.

Published 27th Aug 2016

Jeremy Corbyn has said he does not consider himself wealthy, as he launched his culture strategy in Edinburgh.

Announcing a plan to reverse years of ''systemic under-funding'' for the arts on Friday, he pledged that a Labour UK government under his leadership would restore ÂŁ42.8 million in cuts made over the past six years.

In his speech, reported in The Times, he said he wanted to battle the elitism that suggested only the wealthy could enjoy "highbrow" culture".

"I hate the elitism (that says) only the wealthy can go to ballet, only the wealthy can go to opera, only the wealthy can go to Glyndebourne, only the wealthy can enjoy what's termed highbrow music," he said.

"I don't consider myself highbrow or wealthy, but I still enjoy some aspects of classical music. I want everybody to have that attitude and that same experience."

The basic annual salary for an MP from April 2016 is ÂŁ74,962. The leader of the opposition is also entitled to an additional salary on top of this.

His comments came as he said he was disappointed to have lost the support of Labour's leader in Scotland, but ruled out a split if he continues as national party leader.

Mr Corbyn insisted "the Scottish party is not going to split off from the UK party", and said he would continue to work with Kezia Dugdale despite her support for his rival Owen Smith.

He also delivered his 37th public address in the leadership contest at a Scottish Labour for Corbyn event in Dundee on Friday night.

He said: "This city gave us so much trade union solidarity and also gave us a lot of comics over many years."

He added: "Just over a year ago, in May 2015, Labour lost a general election.

"I was sad and devastated by that. We lost an awful lot of seats in Scotland at the same time.

"That loss was devastating, that loss was tragic."

He continued: "We have set our face towards a future of justice, a future of greater equality, a future of better prosperity for the next generation.

"We don't want to leave any community or any part of the country behind."