WATCH: Wick mum confronts top Scot cop over son's death

June McLeod phones Phil Gormley to demand justice for Kevin

Published 9th Jan 2017

A grieving mum from Wick has confronted Scotland's police boss on live radio, demanding a re-investigation into her son's death.

June McLeod made the call to Chief Constable Phil Gormley on Scotland's Talk In yesterday on MFR2.

She's convinced that her son Kevin was beaten to death in 1997, and claims Northern Constabulary ignored the Procurator Fiscal's instruction to treat the 24-year-old's death as a potential murder inquiry.

Kevin's body was found in Wick Harbour almost 20-years-ago, when the engaged electrician drowned after suffering severe internal injuries to his abdomen.

The police believed that Kevin died after tripping and falling onto a bollard - causing those injuries - but a Fatal Accident Inquiry ended with an open verdict.

The McLeod's believe their son was murdered, and over the next two-decades father Hugh and mum June have written almost 300-letters to Northern Constabulary and Police Scotland, urging the forces to re-investigate their son's death as a murder inquiry.

June told Police Scotland's chief: "I want you Mr Gormley to tell me why your new police force is refusing to right that wrong and carry out a new investigation?"

He replied: "Well June, I'm very sorry to hear that...It's not something I can really go into detail on-air, and I'm sure that you'll appreciate that. We constantly keep under review unresolved cases. I'm quite happy off-air to examine the circumstances that you've referred to."

WATCH: Mum June made the call after the family were angered back in June that a letter they wrote to Phil Gormley wasn't replied to directly by the chief constable...

EXCLUSIVE: Grieving Wick parents break decade-long silence from Bryan Rutherford on Vimeo.