WATCH: Stink in Ardersier over sewage plans

"Historic" Ardersier village in sewage struggle

Published 2nd Jun 2016

Not far from the Highland capital there's a stink in Ardersier.

The village is littered with DIY banners protesting against Scottish Water's plans to expand its existing sewage works.

But over 1,300-people have signed an online petition to halt any upgrades to the water waste treatment facility.

That's over claims by campaigners that the development will endanger wildlife, and chase away tourists.

The residents are claiming that the water firm has "not consulted with the villagers."

But in 2011 planning permission was granted to the organisation which was forced to put the works on hold during the economic downturn.

Now, as the Highland population continues to grow at locations including the Tornagrain development opposite the A96, Scottish Water has revived the project to develop its infrastructure so that it can cope in the future.

Highland MSPs, who have united with campaigners in their concerns about the imminent construction, have been invited to a meeting with water bosses.

The talks will be held next week Wednesday, June 8th.

John Finnie is one of the North's local politicians who is attending.

He told MFR News: "I’m glad I’ll be able to put the community’s objections to the waste plant directly to Scottish Water.

"Ardersier is an historic village with narrow roads and many houses dating back to the 18th century.

"Buildings are already suffering structural damage from coaches and military traffic to Fort George, and heavy construction traffic would cause very serious harm.

"The village’s growing tourist economy is highly dependent on its beautiful coastal environment. The beach is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the land adjacent to the planned works is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. All this could be put at risk by the proposals.

"Scottish Water say the waste treatment works shouldn’t smell if it is working properly – most who have the misfortune to live near one know that that is a big ‘if’.

"Ardersier is just an inappropriate location for this development, so I’ll be urging Scottish Water to re-examine the alternatives."

Above: watch our special news report from MFR News reporter Bryan Rutherford.