WATCH: Setback for Stephanie but Inverness family is hopeful

Good and bad news for Inverness judo star Stephanie Inglis

Published 16th May 2016

There's mixed news on the medical condition of Inverness judo star Stephanie Inglis who remains in a coma after a motorbike crash in Vietnam.

The Glasgow 2014 medallist is being treated for a lung infection, but the 27-year-old's doctors have been able to stop her brain from bleeding.

(Photo: Jeff Holmes - Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games)

It means Stephanie's got the chance of her swelling going down, which could mean that she's one step closer to being transferred elsewhere by air ambulance.

But there are still many challenges ahead of Stephanie, and her family are up against severe financial pressures to get her the medical treatment that she needs.

It comes as Stephanie's dad Robert posted a heartfelt thank you to the public for their online donations to a fundraising page set up to help the family...

WATCH: Stacey Inglis - Stephanie's sister - talks to MFR News...

My sister Stephanie: "I just want her home" from Bryan Rutherford on Vimeo.