WATCH: Scotland 'leading the world' as minimum alcohol price introduced

The minimum 50p per unit price has been welcomed by the medical profession and health campaigners as the biggest breakthrough in public health since the ban on smoking in public.

Author: Hope WebbPublished 1st May 2018
Last updated 1st May 2018

Scotland has led the world by becoming the first country to implement a minimum unit price for alcohol, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

The First Minister hailed the policy, designed to cut alcohol-related harm, as "bold and brave'' as it was finally brought in across the country.

The minimum 50p per unit price, delayed for six years by a legal challenge led by the Scotch Whisky Association, has been welcomed by the medical profession and health campaigners as the biggest breakthrough in public health since the ban on smoking in public.

It is estimated the move could save around 392 lives in the first five years of its implementation in Scotland, where on average there are 22 alcohol-specific deaths every week and 697 hospital admissions.

The misuse of alcohol is thought to cost Scotland £3.6 billion each year, or £900 for every adult in the country.

The Scottish Government has faced calls to go further with policies to tackle the issue, including by increasing the minimum unit price and backing further curbs on the marketing or availability of alcohol.

Tory MSP Miles Briggs said his party would await with interest'' the impact of the policy.

He said: The Scottish Conservatives supported the introduction of a sunset clause, so that if minimum pricing proves to be ineffective then it can be scrapped.''

Labour's Anas Sarwar MSP welcomed the move but said a comprehensive, fully-funded strategy to tackle problem drinking'' was needed.

He said: Labour has made the case for a Social Responsibility Levy to claw back the windfall supermarkets could make from minimum unit pricing. This cash could be reinvested in our NHS and in preventative public health programmes.''

Green MSP Alison Johnstone and Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said the government should consider increasing the 50p rate.

Ms Johnstone said: We're still of the view that Holyrood must revisit the policy in two years' time and consider the possibility of increasing the 50p rate as part of Scotland's continued efforts to reduce the harm caused by alcohol.''

Mr Rennie added: While this legislation will help to discourage the misuse of alcohol, inflation eroded the value of the original minimum price during the years that this policy has been caught up in the courts.'