WATCH: Mountaineering Council warn of tick threat lingering for days after climbing

Check yourself after being in the hills, then check again...!

Published 12th May 2016

Although Winter's barely gone from the mountains, safety experts are advising walkers and climbers to be on the look out for ticks as the perennial pests of the Scottish hills and countryside are back. Ticks are small arthropods (related to spiders and scorpions) common in vegetated areas in the Scottish hills. They are particularly suited to mild damp climates and therefore thrive on the west coast mountain regions of Scotland. Aside from being a nuisance, ticks carry diseases, including Lyme disease which can be extremely serious if not diagnosed early. Heather Morning, Mountain Safety Advisor with The Mountaineering Council of Scotland advises hill-goers to check themselves carefully after a day on the hill to ensure they haven’t picked up any unwanted guests. Heather recommends that hill walkers are vigilant and take some simple precautions such as tucking trousers into socks or wearing gaiters when on the hill. It’s also well worth taking a good look at yourself when you return home to spot the ticks before they latch on. She said: “From experience, they seem to appear even a few days later. If you find one attached to you, remove with a tick hook. If in doubt seek advice from your doctor.”