WATCH: Aviemore athlete David Smith attempts first bike ride after life-saving surgery

Aviemore athlete David Smith has attempted to get back on the saddle for the first time since undergoing life-saving spinal surgery.

Published 20th Jun 2016

Aviemore athlete David Smith has attempted to get back on the saddle for the first time since undergoing **life-saving spinal surgery.**

The Paralympian was warned that a recurring tumour on his spine would crush his spinal chord and stop him from breathing, if he didn't have the mass surgically removed.

But the London 2012 medallist was also told by medical staff that he risked becoming paralysed if he had the operation.

David's having intensive physiotherapy to teach his body how to move all over again. He said: "I feel as healthy as I've ever felt, but my body is just not doing what my mind wants it to do. Right now is a real hard point, and I would go as far as to say that this is the first time that I've really struggled through all of this."

But now he's ready to get back to his favourite sport:

The 38-year-old's been keeping fans updated on his progress from his hospital bed via social media and has been thanking everyone for their continued support.