WATCH: Alness kids settle money squabble by giving it to charity

Carol singers hit the high notes for Mission Christmas

Published 14th Dec 2016

Children arguing in Alness over how to spend money they made from carol-singing, have settled the squabble by giving it away to charity.

Brooke Macleay turned up at MFR last night to give the cash to MFR Cash for Kids, to help our Mission Christmas appeal.

We've had well over 4,000-applications to help make sure that children in the North will have something to open on the 25th.

Cash donations are being used to fill the gaps in presents donated by members of the public, so that we can buy gifts for the people - including teenagers - who some of us have found tricky to cater for.

Brooke told MFR News: "Me and my friends went out carol-singing but we didn't expect to get any money.

"We ended up getting ÂŁ50, and we were arguing over who got the money, and we decided to give it to Cash for Kids.

"We don't actually know how much we have compared to loads of other people.

"Some people might not even know it's Christmas."

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Watch Brooke tell you the whole story in the video above...