Vow To End Poll Tax Debt Collection

Holyrood's Finance Committee has backed plans to end the collection of historic poll tax debt.

Published 22nd Jan 2015

Holyrood's Finance Committee has backed plans to end the collection of historic poll tax debt.

The Scottish Government's Community Charge Debt (Scotland) Bill would effectively write off ÂŁ425 million of the controversial charge that has never been paid.

The legislation was brought forward after several local authorities said they would use the details of people who registered to vote in the independence referendum to recover outstanding debt.

The Finance Committee gave its support after holding an inquiry during which members heard evidence from councils, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla) and the Scottish Government.

MSPs have asked ministers to provide more information on which councils used or had intended to use the electoral register to help collect poll tax arrears.

They have also requested more detailed analysis and evidence of the costs and savings to local authorities.

A committee report said: Without an estimate of the cost of collecting debt, the committee is not clear what evidence has been used by the Government in reaching its conclusion about the costs of collection being greater than the sums collected.

The committee asks the Scottish Government to explain why no estimate of potential savings has been provided, as required by Standing Orders.''

Committee convener Kenneth Gibson MSP added: More than 20 years after the poll tax was scrapped, this Bill will end the requirement for local authorities to pursue historic poll tax debt.

I expect to see further detail of the costs and savings relating to the Bill as it continues its passage through the Parliament.''