Violent attack in Inverness robbery sees 9-year jail term

Kids aged - 14 and 8 - were caught up in the terrifying incident

Oldtown Road Inverness - Google StreetMap
Published 16th Aug 2017
Last updated 16th Aug 2017

A member of an armed gang who terrorised a businessman and his wife in their own Hilton home has been jailed for nine years.

John Adams (28) from Aberdeen, admitted at the High Court in Glasgow – along with others – of robbing 60-year-old Ronald Dyce of cash and threatening him and his wife Jennifer, along with two young kids they were babysitting.

The offence was committed on the 18th of March, at the Dyce's home in Hilton, Inverness.

Prosecutor David Taylor said the armed gang burst into the couple's home shortly after they and the two children - aged 14 and 8 - returned home from a restaurant.

Judge Lady Rae told Adams that, but for his early guilty plea, she would have jailed him for 12 years.

Adams, was wearing a hood and his two accomplices had 'Scream' style Hallowe'en masks.

They forced Mr Dyce to open his safe and stole between £600 and £1,000.

Before they left, the gang - who were armed with a crowbar and a hammer - threatened violence to the Adams and the children.

Judge Lady Rae told Adams that, but for his early guilty plea, she would have jailed him for 12 years.

She told Adams: “This must have been absolutely terrifying for this couple coming home from a restaurant to this. It is clear you were watching the house. You went in with weapons and threatened this couple and the two children. You were masked and intent on robbing them.”

Mr Taylor said: “At around 9:15pm neighbours saw three men walking towards the Dyce's home.

“At 9:25pm Mr Dyce entered his home and closed the door behind him, but did not lock it.

“He was removing his footwear in a walk-in cupboard just off the hallway when the door opened and he felt a metal object pressed against this head and a man said: 'Ronnie give me your money.'

“When he said he didn't have any money the man, who was wearing a Scream mask, became more aggressive"

Mr Dyce opened his safe and handed over a sum of money which he estimated was between £600 and £1,000.

A second man entered the living room. He was also wearing a Scream mask. He grabbed Mrs Dyce's mobile phone and brandished a crowbar and a hammer at her in a threatening manner.

At this point the children came down from upstairs and saw Adams on the stairs. He was wearing a hood covering most of his face and was holding a hammer.

He grabbed a mobile phone from the 14-year-old girl.

One of the other accused then demanded more money from Mr Dyce and told him: “The kids will get it mate.”

This enraged Mr Dyce and punched the man on the chest. He ran off and Mr Dyce chased him for a short distance in his bare feet.

After the other two men had left, Mr and Mrs Dyce grabbed Adams. In the struggle his hooded fleece top was removed and he dropped the hammer.

During the struggle Mrs Dyce was punched in the back and pushed against a wall, resulting in minor injuries.

Adams' DNA was found in the hooded top and inside a glove.

Defence counsel Jonathan Crowe said: “He apologises for his actions. He had significant gambling debts. He was told he would be taking part in the robbery and felt he had no choice.