VIDEO: Inverness Airport to deliver new look on schedule

Dalcross delivers new departures lounge with arrivals area on track for mid-May.

Published 29th Apr 2016

Inverness Airport has opened its new departures lounge - allowing passengers almost twice as much space as there was before.

The £900,000 development - able to seat an extra 160 passengers - is on time for the new BA Heathrow flights beginning at the start of May.

The completion of the arrivals area and walkway will come on May 17th when KLM's Amsterdam route begins.

MFR took a sneak peak at what it'll look like for people arriving in the Highlands:-

Dan Mason of Inverness Airport was the local project manager for the development:-

Callum Smith, Duty Manager at Inverness Airport, said: "This has been a massive challenge since the announcement of the British Airways and KLM flights to turn this around so quickly"

"We'd basically out-grown the space we had for a departure lounge, but now we'll be able to intoduce new retail facilities for the public"

"There's just a few bits of cosmetic work to be done, we also need to get the shops set up and kitted out so they can be established in the departure lounge here"

"We've already seen passengers come through from security and smiling, looking at how light and airy and spacious it is"