A final bid to get the Scottish Government to change its mind on vaccine passports

The Scottish Convservatives are bringing a motion at Holyrood today

Author: Rob WallerPublished 29th Sep 2021

A last ditch attempt to force the Scottish Government to ditch its controversial plans for coronavirus vaccine passports is being made by the Scottish Conservatives.

With two days before the scheme is due to come in on Friday, the Tories will use their opposition debating time in Holyrood to challenge the move.

Despite opposition from Labour and the Lib Dems the motion is likely to be defeated because the SNP Government has the support of the Scottish Greens.

Two week delay on enforcement

The debate comes after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that while the scheme will still come in from 5am on October 1, a grace period means that businesses will not face the threat of enforcement action if they fail to comply with it until October 18.

Ms Sturgeon told MSPs that the move was a "very pragmatic compromise'' - despite claims from the opposition that the vaccine certification scheme is a shambles'' that should be scrapped.

The motion the Conservatives will bring to Parliament calls on the Government not to proceed with its plans to introduce a COVID-19 vaccine certification scheme''.

Under the Government's plans, those going to nightclubs and other large scale events will have to show that they have had two doses of coronavirus vaccine.

READ MORE: How vaccine passports will work

READ MORE: Scottish Parliament backs vaccine passport plan

A 'flawed' scheme

Speaking ahead of the debate, Tory Covid-19 recovery spokesman, Murdo Fraser, said: "Businesses say this scheme is flawed. It will drive up their costs. It's ripe for fraud. They will get no help to administer it.

"They're still waiting for essential information and guidance because once again, the SNP has left it to the very last minute.''

He continued: "The SNP's poor planning has scuppered this scheme before it even begins.

"They have refused to debate the flaws, so we will use our own Parliamentary time to make them face scrutiny.''

Greens votes are crucial

But Scottish Green health spokeswoman, Gillian Mackay, said the Tories had adopted an "utterly reckless approach to Covid''.

Ms Mackay said: "Their obsession with putting economic growth before lives is apparent in their motion and the complacent approach to other mitigations like mask wearing.

"This disregard for people has meant a removal of furlough, a cut to benefits and the opening up of international travel when importing new variants would pose a risk to Scotland's recovery from Covid.

"Scotland is in the unenviable position of having to manage this reckless approach by using what limited powers we have in proportionate and targeted ways, and now the Scottish Tories want to remove these safeguards.

"Any responsible Government has to do what it can to limit the spread of the virus using the powers it has, but it is clear the Conservatives have no interest in such responsibilities.''

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