Vaccination programme gets underway across NHS Highland

Calls for patience as the massive task of the Covid vaccine roll-out gets underway

Dr Jonathan Whiteside, with Maureen Sutherland administering the vaccine
Published 9th Dec 2020

NHS Highland has encouraged people across the area to be patient as the first group of frontline healthcare workers receive the vaccination for Covid-19.

Dr Tim Allison, Director of Public Health for NHS Highland, said: "The vaccination programme is a huge exercise and will continue well into next year, but I am delighted to say that it has started within NHS Highland.

“Initial groups which will be vaccinated across NHS Highland will include care home residents, healthcare staff and social care staff who are most at risk of COVID infection. The programme will be scaled up as more vaccine is delivered.

“Sticking to the guidelines and taking up the offer of vaccination when that comes are the best ways to remove the threat of Covid."

Dr Jonathan Whiteside, Clinical Lead for Critical Care with NHS Highland, was the first person in NHS Highland to receive the vaccine.

Dr Whiteside said: “I trust the science. I have been a doctor for 25 years and have always trusted the Medicine regulators to provide safe and effective treatment. I see the Covid vaccine as no different.

“Working in ITU our patients are at significant risk of respiratory pathogens. The worst time for this is during the winter, particularly January and February, and by getting the vaccine, and the subsequent dose in 3-4 weeks’ time, we have the best chance of being protected for the winter period.

“The only way to achieve herd immunity is through a mass vaccination programme which will protect staff, our patients and our families. I would encourage all those offered the vaccine to take it.”

Senior Charge Nurse Gwen Calder, critical care, receives the vaccination

Maureen Sutherland, vaccinator for NHS Highland, said: “I feel honoured to have asked to give the first Covid-19 vaccine in NHS Highland.

“I am very grateful to the extended team who have worked very hard to get the service up and running so that vaccinators can deliver the vaccine safely and efficiently.”