Unemployment increases by 14,000 to reach 145,000

The increase means the unemployment rate is now at 5.3%.

Published 14th Dec 2016

Scotland's jobless total has risen by 14,000 over three months to stand at 145,000.

The increase means the unemployment rate jumped by 0.6 percentage points over the quarter to 5.3% - putting the rate for Scotland above that of the UK as whole.

Across Britain, 4.8% of the workforce are not in a job, a 10-year low achieved after unemployment fell by 16,000 over August to October to 1.62 million.

As well as the increase in the Scottish unemployment figures, the data from the Office for National Statistics showed the number of Scots in work had fallen by 40,000 over the three months to stand at 2,592,000.

Scotland's 73.3% employment rate is now worse than the UK's figure of 74.4%.

There was a slight drop in the number of people in Scotland who are out of work and claiming jobseeker's allowance, which fell by 200 to reach 54,100 in November.

Scottish Secretary David Mundell said: These statistics underline the importance of tomorrow's draft budget from the Scottish Government.

The UK Government is building an economy that works for everyone across the UK. We are supporting jobs and growth by keeping business taxes low and investing in infrastructure.

As a direct result of the UK Government's decisions last month, there will be City Deal for every city in Scotland, more than ÂŁ820 million of extra funding for Scotland and new support for digital infrastructure and research and development.

The Scottish Government now hold the main levers to shape and strengthen the economy. They need to use them to boost the prosperity of people in Scotland.''

Holyrood Finance Secretary Derek Mackay will unveil his draft budget proposals to Holyrood on Thursday.