Ukrainian teen refugee wows Sutherland village with piano skills

During one of his first Golspie High music lessons, Vadym amazed pupils and teachers when out of the blue he sat down at a piano and started to play.

Author: Liam RossPublished 29th Jun 2022

A 13-year-old boy forced to leave his war-torn country has stunned a Highland village with his abilities on the piano.

Vadym Kusmin attended a music school in Kyiv for seven years before having to leave Ukraine with his family in April.

After initially going to Spain, Vadym and his family settled in Golspie earlier this month with the teenager being enrolled at the local High School.

During one of his first music lessons, Vadym amazed pupils and teachers when out of the blue he sat down at a piano and started to play.

He says he may pursue a career in music when he's older, aiming to feature at "concerts or festivals."

A bubble of energy

The moment he first played piano at Golspie High was captured on video and shows Vadym being surrounded by amazed fellow pupils.

"My classmates enjoyed it, they were very excited when they saw how I played and teachers too" said Vadym.

"I don't think teachers knew how well I could play and they asked me to play something and they really enjoyed it.

"I don't know about my future, but I play two instruments so maybe I can work at festivals or concerts."

The video attracted more than 4500 views several comments and has led to many offers to buy more music equipment for the school or donations towards tuition.

Due to his musical skills across various instruments, Vadym's music teacher Heather Smith described him as being like the "pied piper".

She said: "It's such a sad situation that he's had to leave and then it's so nice that we're so welcoming here.

"He just gets on so well with everyone and everyone just loves having him around.

"He's just a bubble of energy.

"The school and wider community are so happy to have him here and see his skills."