UKIP 'Only True Opponents Of SNP'

Nigel Farage will declare Ukip are ``the only true opponents of the SNP'' in a direct appeal to Labour voters concerned about the consequences of their party being forced to rely on the votes of Scottish nationalist MPs to govern.

Published 1st May 2015

Nigel Farage will declare Ukip are the only true opponents of the SNP'' in a direct appeal to Labour voters concerned about the consequences of their party being forced to rely on the votes of Scottish nationalist MPs to govern.

The eurosceptic party leader will accuse both main Westminster parties of appeasing'' the SNPbully'' with additional funding and highlight his manifesto pledge of substantial reductions in funding for Scotland''.

Ukip is committed to scrapping the arbitrary and unfair'' Barnett Formula calculation for funding allocations to the constituent parts of the UK, leaving Scotland to make up the shortfall using devolved taxation powers.

This election debate is becoming increasingly dominated by talk of a Labour-SNP coalition,'' Mr Farage is expected to say.

I would urge Labour voters in the Midlands and the North, where Ukip are the clear challengers, to vote for us to stop this happening.''

He will dub Tory attacks on Labour over the SNP - such as a poster showing former SNP leader Alex Salmond taking money out of an English pocket - sheer hypocrisy''.

Voters should be reminded that David Cameron joined the two other leaders in the appeasement of the SNP and he is guaranteed to continue with the Barnett Formula. As such this poster is sheer hypocrisy,'' he will say.

I promise that Ukip MPs will be the only true opponents of the SNP and will fight for England and Wales to get a better deal.''