Tributes Paid To Councillor Joanna Strathdee

Published 24th Aug 2015

Flags are flying at half-mast at Aberdeenshire Council’s headquarters as the authority pays tribute to well-respected councillor Joanna Strathdee, who passed away on Sunday.

Cllr Strathdee, who represented the Huntly, Strathbogie and Howe of Alford ward, was elected to Aberdeenshire Council in 1999 and was formerly the SNP group leader.

She passed away peacefully on Sunday following a lengthy illness.

Co-Leader of Aberdeenshire Council and SNP Group Leader Cllr Richard Thomson said: “We are all heartbroken at the news. Joanna was a wise head and a much loved friend and colleague who was respected right across the council chamber. Above all else, she was an outstanding servant to her community and her constituents.

“Joanna battled bravely against her illness for many years but never allowed it to stop her carrying out her duties as a councillor or living her life to the full. The thoughts of all her colleagues in the SNP and in Aberdeenshire Council are with her family right now.”

Labour Group Leader Cllr Alison Evison said: “As newly elected councillors in 2012, forming a new political group, both Cllr Raymond Christie and myself felt welcomed to Aberdeenshire by Cllr Strathdee and were grateful for her willingness to engage with us.

“We remember her for her relaxed sense of humour and her commitment to her role. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this sad time. “

Liberal Democrat Group Leader Cllr Karen Clark said: “We are deeply saddened by the loss of such a valued colleague. Our members formed a close working relationship over a number of years with Joanna and we would like to acknowledge the dedication and commitment she gave to the communities she worked for.

“Our thoughts are with her family at this time. Joanna's strength and courage shone through over the last few years and she was an inspiration to us all.”

Cllr Strathdee began her career with Aberdeenshire Council when she won the former Huntly West seat at the 1999 local government elections, being returned with a significantly increased majority in 2003.

During her time with Aberdeenshire Council, Cllr Strathdee was appointed vice-chair of the Marr Area Committee in 2007 and again in 2012.

Under the Single Transferable Vote system, she was elected at the first stage of the process in both 2007 and 2012.

Cllr Strathdee stood as an SNP candidate in the Gordon district in the 2005 General Election, finishing third. She was again selected as a candidate in the 2011 but stood down due to her illness.

A by-election in the Huntly, Strathbogie and Howe of Alford ward will be organised in due course.