Think of those less fortunate this Christmas, says Nicola Sturgeon

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has urged people to visit and support those less fortunate this Christmas.

Published 23rd Dec 2016

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has urged people to visit and support those less fortunate this Christmas.

Ms Sturgeon also called on Scots to remember people working over the festive period, particularly in the emergency services and across Scotland's transport network.

The First Minister delivered her Christmas message as she joined a festive children's party at Milnafua community hall in Alness in the Highlands.

Ms Sturgeon said: "Christmas is about spending time with those we love and for thinking about friends and family at home and abroad. It is also a time to reflect on those less fortunate than ourselves.

"So, this Christmas, I would encourage everyone to take the time to check on a friend or neighbour who is on their own.

"It's important to spend some time over the next few weeks giving comfort, companionship and support to those who need it.

"We should also remember those working in our emergency services, those keeping our transport network running and the many more who give up time with their loved ones at Christmas in the service of others.

"Scotland has a proud reputation as a caring country and I want to thank everyone in the last year who has extended a warm welcome to those seeking refuge and comfort here.

"So, wherever you might be celebrating Christmas, in Scotland or overseas, at work or at home, I wish you all the best for a Merry Christmas."