Teens attack man on Inverness road

Four teens attack man on Inverness road

Police attend a stabbing at a roundabout in Chelmsford
Published 20th Jun 2016

A man's been attacked in Inverness.

The victim, who is in his thirties, was walking along Glenurquhart Road towards Tomnahurich cemetery when he was assaulted by four men in their late teens.

They're all thought to be between 5’6 and 6ft in height and all dressed in casual clothing.

One member of the group was on a moped at the time.

The man sustained minor facial injuries and didn’t require hospital treatment.

A female driver of a white Ford Focus is believed to have witnessed the incident and police are appealing for her, and anyone else who has information on the incident, to contact the police.

Contact via 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.