Teen driver knocked down father-of-four just weeks after passing test

Nuno Barbara died four days after the crash in Fraserburgh

Published 5th Oct 2017

A teenage driver who knocked down and killed a dad-of-four only five weeks after passing her test has been jailed for four years.

Nineteen-year-old Shari Dunbar's Seat Ibiza ploughed into Nuno Barbara, 43, at Castle Street Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, on September 3, 2015.

Moments before the collision, Dunbar, of Rosehearty, Aberdeenshire, was driving around Fraserburgh at excessive speeds for the road conditions.

She claimed that she was concerned about former boyfriend Alister Wisely who she alleged had been driving too close to her.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that she failed to slow down and stop at the give way signs at the junction of Bath Street and Castle Street and hit Mr Barbara, who came to Scotland from his native Portugal to work a Fraserburgh fish factory.

He died from head and chest injuries four days later at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

When Dunbar, a community carer looking after the elderly and vulnerable, was charged by police she told them: “I'm just so sorry for it all.”

Judge Lord Kinclaven told Dunbar: “Driving of this nature wrecks lives. However, you recognise the heartache you have caused to Mr Barbara's family.

“Your dangerous driving was over a limited period and you arranged for the emergency services to attend. It is clear you did not intend or plan to cause death by dangerous driving.”

Lord Kinclaven banned Dunbar from driving for seven years and ordered her to resit the driving test.

In evidence, Dunbar claimed that her ex boyfriend had earlier been driving aggressively behind her and she alleged this caused her to break traffic laws and knock down Mr Barbara.

Defence advocate Derick Nelson said: “She was upset earlier by Mr Wisely driving close to her. He was close enough to cause her concern. She had passed her test only five weeks before and she was scared, but that is no excuse for what happened at the junction.

“Knowing what she had done will live with her forever.

“When her car struck Mr Barbara she immediately called an ambulance.

“The incident was over in an instant, but had devastating consequences. She was on her way home to her family and Mr Barbara had left work and was on his way home to his family.

“She is truly sorry and devastated by Mr Barbara's family's devastating loss. She is heartbroken about the effect on his family, but realises she cannot change what has happened.”

The court heard that Dunbar has always accepted her driving was below the required standard and that she had killed Mr Barbara.

She admitted causing death by careless driving, but denied causing death by dangerous driving.

After trial she was convicted of the more serious charge.

Prosecutor Iain McSporran QC said Mr Barbara came to Scotland looking for work and his family settled with him in Fraserburgh in 2015.