Speed warning lights not working at schools across Highland

The 20mph flashing lights have been an issue since August

Published 2nd Dec 2020
Last updated 2nd Dec 2020

A Caithness dad is deeply concerned as speed warning lights near many Highland schools are out of action.

Issues with the 20mph lights were first reported in August, when pupils returned to school after lockdown.

However, the light system in many school zones across the region still aren't functioning properly.

Danny Bisset, from Reay, Caithness, told us about how he had a close call whilst walking his daughter from Reay Primary School last week.

He said: "A vehicle had to move over to give way to an oncoming vehicle and I was almost struck by the wing mirror of a 7.5 tonne lorry, running close to the edge of the pavement.

"I was on the road side and my daughter was to the inward side of the pavement, but could have been a lot worse.

"It's only a matter of time before this becomes a serious issue, potentially causing an accident.

"Potentially with the darker nights, higher road speeds, and road conditions deteriorating as we go further into winter, I could foresee this becoming a serious incident or possible fatality in some locations due to the road conditions.

"The fact is that drivers aren't aware schools are coming in and out at these times because the lights aren't illuminated.

"They become so heavily relied on of late that people are oblivious to the fact that round the next corner there are schools going in and out."

Danny outlines how this is an issue for Reay Primary School particularly as it's right beside the NC500.

He added: "If these lights aren't in place to highlight the schools coming in and out, then it does add an additional risk to children in the area.

"I've requested the Council supply me with a risk assessment to show the controls and mitigations being put in place, so far that answer has been slow in coming."

Highland Council say they have works in place to resolve the issue in the new year.

A spokesperson said: “Our staff have been working hard to resolve an ongoing technical fault with the school 20 mph warning light system across Highland.

"An order has been placed with an alternative sign controller supplier after trials were found to be successful.

"We have a programme of works in place to replace the controllers in the new year, prioritising sites which have been identified as higher risk in the first instance.

"This work is subject to the delivery of the new controllers which are expected in early January".