Sheep attack in Caithness prompts police appeal to dog owners

Police in Caithness are reminding dog owners to keep their pets under control at all times.

Published 27th Jan 2016

Police in Caithness are reminding dog owners to keep their pets under control at all times.

The advice comes following a spike in the number of incidents involving dogs being let off their leads in the vicinity of livestock, causing the animals to become distressed.

A number of reports have detailed dogs attacking livestock, causing serious and on one occasion, fatal injuries.

Police say such acts come under the Offence of Worrying Livestock, Section 1 of the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953.

Sergeant Stephen Mezals said: “Farmers and crofters who keep livestock play a vital role in providing a sustainable community in areas like Caithness. Any stress caused to these animals by the presence of dogs, and any attacks on them have a detrimental effect on this sustainability as well as being harmful to the farmers and crofters' livelihoods.

"Caithness has some amazing scenery and I would never discourage anyone from getting out to enjoy it. However, I would advise anyone walking their dogs near livestock to keep them on a lead at all times.”