Security warning issued to residents in Conon Bridge

Police in Ross-shire are issuing security advice to residents following a report of potentially suspicious behaviour in the Conon Bridge area.

Published 12th May 2016

Police in Ross-shire are issuing security advice to residents following a report of potentially suspicious behaviour in the Conon Bridge area.

Police are aware of reports of at least one person being seen to attempt to enter a vehicle and shed in the village recently.

Sergeant Karen MacPherson advises: "We live in a very safe part of the country, but I would urge people not to be complacent and to lock their doors.

"It only takes a few minutes - sometimes seconds - to enter a home, car or garage to steal valuables, however the results can cause immeasurable distress and expense.

"These are opportunistic thieves who will try any house or car door until they find one unlocked. Please ensure you take the basis steps of locking your vehicle and house.

"Police Scotland has issued warnings previously urging the public to ensure their doors are locked, even when they are home, and to keep expensive equipment from view. Security lighting around your property will also act as a deterrent.

"Please do not take the security of your belongings for granted. Lock up, be vigilant and please do not give these people a chance.

Police would urge anyone who witnesses suspicious behaviour to report it as soon as possible to allow officers to investigate. Please contact Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you wish to remain anonymous.