Searches conclude for missing Highlands man

Published 2nd Aug 2015

Police say the search for a missing Highland man has now concluded.

Lachlan Simpson, 22, was last seen leaving the Sutherland Show dance in Dornoch at around 1.30am on Sunday July 26.

Dozens of volunteers joined further co-ordinated searches yesterday, including mountain rescue crews and Coastguard.

But officers added that their investigations are ongoing.

Mr Simpson, who is from the nearby village of Embo, is described as 6ft, of slim to medium build and has short fair hair.

He was wearing a green and white top when he was last seen.

Chief Inspector Iain MacLelland said: 'Once again, I would seek this opportunity to voice my appreciation to those volunteers who have provided tremendous support over the past few days and once again this morning. It has now been almost a week since Lachlan was last seen and it goes without saying, that we remain concerned for his welfare. It is possible that he may have sought shelter so we would again appeal to people with outbuildings or sheds to check these and report anything unusual to us.'

He added: 'As of this evening, co-ordinated volunteer searches have now concluded but I would stress that this is still a missing person inquiry and investigations do remain ongoing. We have carried out detailed searches of the areas where Lachlan was last seen including coastline and in-land areas surrounding Dornoch. We are continuing to keep Lachlan's family updated and provide them with support at this difficult time.'

Mr Simpson's family said they were 'overwhelmed' by the support shown by the local community and those who had travelled to help.

In a statement issued on Friday, they said: 'Knowing so many people care about Lachlan and are willing to help is a great comfort to us. We just want Lachlan to be safe. Lachlan, if you can see these messages, we love you and miss you and just want you to come home. Please make contact so we know you are OK. We'd like to appeal to all of Lachlan's friends who saw or spoke to him on Saturday night to get in touch with the police on 101. Any information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, may assist in bringing Lachlan home to us.'