Scottish Sun Backs SNP In Election

The Scottish Sun has announced its support for the SNP in next week's General Election saying the party will ``fight harder for Scotland's interests at Westminster''.

Published 30th Apr 2015

The Scottish Sun has announced its support for the SNP in next week's General Election saying the party will fight harder for Scotland's interests at Westminster''.

In a front page along a Star Wars theme the headline reads Stur Wars'' and Nicola Sturgeon is portrayed as Princess Leia.

In a front page editorial, the newspaper urges reads to back the SNP, saying: Scotland voted No but there can be no doubt the Referendum changed the nation.

And today The Scottish Sun urges our readers to continue that change and vote for Nicola Sturgeon's SNP on May 7.

We believe the Nats will fight harder for Scotland's interests at Westminster. offering a new hope for our country.

Nicola has been the star of the election campaign north and south of the border.''

The Scottish Sun did not back either side in the referendum debate last year but it supported the SNP at the 2011 Scottish parliament election.

It comes as the UK edition of The Sun announced it will support the Conservatives at the General Election.

Among one of the reasons it lists is to stop SNP running the country''.