Scottish Powers Pledge In Conservative Manifesto

Tories promise to implement Smith Commission proposals

Published 14th Apr 2015

The Conservatives are promising to deliver more devolved powers to Scotland in the first year after the General Election. Launching their manifesto today David Cameron will say the Conservatives are the party of hard working families getting the deficit down and rebuilding the economy. It will also include a commitment to introduce a Scotland in the Queen’s Speech delivering the Smith deal on more devolution, agreed after the referendum. Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson, who will be campainging in Uddingtson today said: "This is a manifesto for working people right across Britain. "It confirms that we will press ahead immediately with our plan to build a stronger, better Union as promised to Scottish voters last year.'' At the launcht today Mr Cameron will say "My message to Britain is this: we have come this far together. Let's not waste the past five years. Now is not a time to put it all at risk, but to build on the progress we have made. "We are the party of working people. So if you want a more secure Britain, if you want a brighter future for your family and for you, then together, let's build on what we've done and see this through."