Scottish Political reaction to EU referendum date

Nicola Sturgeon backs remain camp with 'pooled sovereignty plea'

Published 20th Feb 2016

Nicola Sturgeon has hailed the benefits of pooling sovereignty to tackle issues that do not respect national boundaries in her defence of Scotland's place in the European Union.

The Scottish National Party leader restated her belief that Scotland should be an independent member state, outside the UK but in the EU, but said EU membership is better for Scotland in all circumstances.

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that the in-out referendum on EU membership will be held on June 23 - seven weeks after the elections to the Scottish Parliament in which the SNP is riding high in the polls.

Polls have also consistently shown that Scotland is more in favour of remaining in the EU than the rest of the UK, and a vote to leave against the majority will of the Scottish people has been suggested as a possible trigger for another independence referendum.

Ms Sturgeon said: The EU is a coming together of independent states that choose to pool some of their sovereignty to better tackle those issues that don't respect national boundaries - like climate change, energy security and the refugee crisis.

“It's not a perfect institution - and while I believe it would be best for Scotland to be in the EU as an independent member state, I believe it is better for us in all circumstances to stay in. Of course, this referendum has, all along, been driven by the Tory Party's longstanding internal divisions on Europe and the challenge to the Conservatives from Ukip, rather than by the specifics of David Cameron's renegotiation.

We made it clear to the Prime Minister that we were opposed to a June 23rd referendum, given the overlap with our own Scottish election - but now that that date has been named we will get on with the job of campaigning for an 'in' vote. It's important that the campaign to remain in the EU learns the lessons of Scotland's independence referendum, so that it does not lapse into scaremongering and fear - that is why the SNP will be a leading voice in the weeks and months ahead in making the positive case for Scotland and the rest of the UK remaining in Europe.''

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said: “The best way to address the major challenges we face - climate change, the threat of terrorism, the migration crisis and global economic problems - is by being part of the wider European Union. There is a strong socialist case for staying in the EU. Working in solidarity with the other nations of the EU secures vital rights for workers and greater opportunities for our young people. We should celebrate and build on that, not walk away from it.''

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson welcomed the announcement of the referendum, pointing out that anyone under the age of 58 has never had a vote on the UK's European membership.

She said: For my own part, I believe that - on balance - Scotland's businesses do better from being part of the biggest free trade bloc in the world, and I hope the country chooses to remain.''

The Scottish Greens said the date of the referendum is disrespectful to voters'' in Scotland and the other devolved areas that are also holding elections on May 5.

Ross Greer, Europe spokesman for the Scottish Greens, said: Holding the referendum just weeks after major elections across the UK makes it harder to have the substantial debate we need on the UK's future within Europe. David Cameron has once again shown he has no regard for voters in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.''

Scotland Stronger In Europe - the Scottish arm of Britain Stronger In Europe - erected a street stall in Glasgow's Sauchiehall Street to promote the UK's continuing membership of the EU.

Campaign spokesman John Edward said: Scottish votes could be crucial in keeping the UK in Europe, so it is important that Scotland comes together and chooses a future in Europe. There is strong support in Scotland to stay in the EU, and we want to motivate people with positive campaigning to turn out and vote for 'Remain' on June 23.''

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said: “The United Kingdom's future should be at the heart of the European Union. Next to the NHS it is one of the best creations that this country has built. It has helped build peace, security and economic progress since the Second World War. With open markets, partnership between universities and free movement of people it is in our interest to remain a key part of the European Union. Our ancestors who experienced a continent of conflict for centuries will be looking on with incredulity that we are even considering leaving the organisation that has helped create a continent of peace.''