Have your say on Portgordon's future

People living in Portgordon are being invited to help map out the future of their village.

Published 10th May 2016

People living in Portgordon are being invited to help map out the future of their village.

A group of local volunteers are working to bring about an innovative and inclusive planning project for the community.

And they are looking for input from people of all ages to create a vision of what Portgordon might look like in the years to come.

Sue Lane is chair of Portgordon Village Hall:-

Supported by Moray Council and using a nationally recognised planning process called Planning for Real, the volunteers are urging villagers to become involved by putting forward their ideas and suggestions which will inform an action plan for the community.

A large 3D scale model of Portgordon is being constructed and will be used as a visual aid to steer discussion about how the village could look by 2020 and beyond.

Throughout May and June, residents of all ages are being invited to the village hall to help create the scale model. Sessions will take place on Tuesdays from 10am to 12 noon and on Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm.

With refreshments provided, children and adults will be encouraged to paint, stick and create model buildings to form the virtual planning map. Once complete and in order to make it accessible to everyone, the model will become mobile and will visit the school and community groups and local events.