Robbo says minority of "morons" not welcome at ICT after Polworth abuse

John Robertson accepts criticism, but says some fans "crossed the line"

Liam Polworth has come through the ranks at Caley Thistle
Published 13th Aug 2018

Caley Thistle boss John Robertson has made it clear that the small group of 'supporters' who vented their anger towards the family of Liam Polworth following Saturday's 0-0 draw AREN'T welcome at ICT any more.

Polworth missed a penalty in the stalemate with Ayr United and a "small minority" home fans "crossed the line" according to the Inverness boss.

“Liam Polworth is a player I rate very highly"; said Robertson, "Criticism of players for match performance is fine – missing penalties, fine – we’ve spoken about that and he accepts that, but a small minority of fans crossed the line. We’re not having that”

“For Liam’s partner and sister to be abused in song and voice is wrong and we condemn that strongly. We will be investigating and those found responsible for it will be brought to task”

The ICT boss appears perplexed that the tirade should come from HOME supporters as it's the sort of thing he'd expect coming in the opposite direction.

Those who did it should be ashamed of themselves. That’s not real fans - John Robertson, ICT manager

“It’s bad enough taking abuse from opposition fans, and I’ve had that in my past as well, and it’s not nice. When it’s coming from the opposition it’s sometimes a mark of how well you’re performing, but for our own fans to do that is disgraceful”

Robertson doesn't believe it'll have any long-term impact on the player, but nonetheless looks to nip the problem in the bud.

“We’re not happy, the players aren’t happy, Liam is a well-liked character in the dressing room, and he’s a hugely influential player for us. It doesn’t set the right tone when we’re trying to take through young players. Would these fans do this to Daniel (Mackay)? No. And they shouldn’t do it to any of our players”

Robertson says he too was frustrated like the fans with the goal-less draw with Ayr, especially after the visitors went down to 10-men following the incident on the half-hour which led to Saturday's flashpoint.

“Liam accepts if he has a poor performance he may get stick, but to abuse his partner and sister is a nonsense. Those who did it should be ashamed of themselves. That’s not real fans. That’s not the fans we want. If that’s the attitude they’re going to take then please don’t bother coming back to a game”

The Caley Thistle boss accepts that Saturday's incident shouldn't be the marker for all Inverness fans to be judged, as the club's past reputation has not had any similar incidents or situations which have caused such revulsion amongst the players and coaching staff.

“It’s a very small minority, and we’re talking about 20 or 30, but we have to weed these people out. I’m not going to tar the rest of the support by the actions of these idiots. That’s exactly what they are, they’re idiots, they’re morons. We will accept criticism. I had that from the main stand after Saturday’s draw. But when they start crossing the line, that’s when it has to stop. The sooner we find them and get rid of them the better – because there’s no place at Inverness Caledonian Thistle for that kind of nonsense"