Richard Leonard unveils new Scottish Labour front bench team

Published 19th Dec 2017

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard has revealed his new front bench team, with no position for his predecessor Kezia Dugdale.

Mr Leonard said he had spoken to Ms Dugdale and former deputy leader Alec Rowley and it was decided they did not want a front line role'' in the party at this time.

Anas Sawar, Mr Leonard's rival in the leadership race, retains his position as health spokesman, with additional responsibility for sport, while prominent supporter Jackie Baillie remains party spokeswoman for economy, jobs and fair work.

The 14-strong team includes Neil Findlay in the new position of Brexit, campaigns and party engagement while Elaine Smith takes the new post for the eradication of poverty and inequality.

A stand-alone post for communities, social security and equalities has been created and Monica Lennon has been appointed.

Claire Baker moves from justice to culture, tourism and external affairs, replacing Lewis Macdonald who has been dropped. Daniel Johnson replaces Ms Baker on justice.

Rhoda Grant switches from rural economy and connectivity to become parliamentary business manager and women and equality spokeswoman, with Colin Smyth taking her previous post.

Iain Gray remains party spokesman for education and Claudia Beamish retains the environment and climate change brief.

Previously announced positions include Lesley Laird MP as interim deputy leader and James Kelly as finance spokesman.

The equal gender balance instigated by Ms Dugdale last year has been maintained.

Mr Leonard said he had taken three weeks to appoint his team as he spoke to each Labour MSP individually.

He said: I met with both Alec and Kezia and we decided that they did not want to play a front line role at this time in the Labour Party.''

He added: I'm delighted with the people who have agreed to serve in this shadow cabinet. I think it's a strong team which brings together a blend of experience, skills and new energy.

I think it will be a great team to advocate a strong Scottish Labour message.'