Results Day Advice

On results day or very shortly after, you will be facing some important choices regarding your Further or Higher Education and/or your career plans.

Published 5th Aug 2016

</a> On results day or very shortly after, students will be facing some important choices regarding their Further or Higher Education and/or their career plans.===========================================================================================================================================================

Inverness College UHI’s team of guidance experts will be on hand to help them all week as usual but from 9th August Inverness College have set up a special hotline to ensure that students can call direct to one of their advisors. Whether they are deciding which qualifications they will need to take to move towards their chosen career or they are ready to move straight into work on a Modern Apprenticeship, where they can often gain the same qualifications whilst getting paid and building your CV, Inverness College UHI are here to help.




Foundation Apprenticeships

Foundation Prospectus
